Identify Your Server Security Risk
Server Hardening refers to providing various means of protection in a server. Protection is provided in various layers and is often referred to as defense in depth. It requires a unique method of security to harden the server. Our security consultant will demonstrate how to determine what is an appropriate server hardening policy for your environment will require detailed research of hardening checklists and then an understanding of how this should be applied to your operating systems or applications, and that all will be an internal infrastructure assessment which gives you the best return on your investment to realize the information security culture within your organization.
Why Arridae?
- A dedicated industry certified collaborative team with experience and expertise produces the highest quality of work.
- Focused more into manual testing over automated testing to avoid false positives.
- We assure you high quality testing on time and every time.
Get complete insight into your server security risk – Know more about Arridae’s Security Services
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Why Is Server Hardening Necessary?
Most of the servers run on default configurations/settings in order to concentrate more on usability so that the users can feel comfortable and use the system easily. This implies that if you don’t harden your server, your server will be running at a high level of security risk and that’s not good for the business.
So, the purpose of hardening is to eliminate as many security risks as possible. This is typically done by removing all non-essential software programs and utilities from the servers.
Benefits of Server Hardening
- Reduce security holes: Hardening that’s mean server security is on another level. Vulnerabilities have been significantly decreased. Reducing attacks surfaces and improving security.
- Save money in the long run: A hardened server has fewer security incidents, that means you can save money in the other areas of IT operations
- Improve performance: Updating software, removing unnecessary services, applications can increase server performance.
Our Approach
Server hardening is carried out in various phases to ensure clear planning and delivery model.
- Collection: We collect your current server configuration settings by executing scripts and as well as manual collection.
- Analysis: We then conduct a comparison of your current server configuration settings against the CIS and NIST standards.
- Implementation: After the Configuration Comparison is done, we change the server configuration as per the CIS Benchmarks.
- Reporting: Once the hardening is complete we provide a safe/unsafe status check and cross-referenced with contrast of how well the client’s in-scope infrastructure is configured to ward off threats.
- Quality Assurance: All assessments go through a number of technical and editorial quality assurance phase.
- Presentation: The final phase in server hardening will be a presentation of all documentation to you. We will walk you through the information provided, make any updates needed, and address questions regarding the review output. Following this activity, we’ll schedule any formal server hardening, if applicable.
- Preventative measures that are taken by our engineers to secure systems from possible future intrusion attacks.
- Removal of unnecessary services and inefficiencies in servers.
- Assurance that systems and applications are well secured while still being able to effectively carry out business operations